Concrete Buildings
Other Resources
Software Solutions
NRMCA works with a variety of companies that provide software solutions to industry professionals for incorporating the strength, safety, and long-term value benefits of concrete into your next project.
The ADAPT software solutions below are available to help you achieve the highest levels of design productivity and accuracy for post-tensioned and conventionally reinforced concrete structures. Purchase at www.ADAPTsoft.com.
StructurePoint provides civil and structural engineers with the software and technical resources they need for designing concrete buildings and structures. Software can be purchased at www.StructurePoint.org.
The Athena Sustainable Materials Institute works with sustainability leaders in product manufacturing, building design, construction, and green labeling programs to enable smaller footprints in the production and consumption of construction materials. Athena software can be downloaded for free at www.AthenaSMI.org.

NRMCA's ConcreteAnswers.org offers free project and planning assistance. If you’re a commercial owner, builder, developer, architect or engineer, CLICK HERE to apply. Or, to review a list of national, regional, state and local organization partners that you may contact directly for information and project assistance, CLICK HERE.
National Ready Mixed Concrete Association (NRMCA)
Supports continued expansion and improvement of the ready mixed concrete industry through leadership, advocacy, professional development, promotion and partnering.
Tilt-Up Concrete Association (TCA)
Founded in 1986 by a dedicated group of contractors, professionals, and manufacturers with the interest of improving the quality and acceptance of Tilt-Up construction.
Insulating Concrete Form Association (ICFA)
Through primary activities in promotion, codes and standards, research, partnering, and education, the ICFA plays a leading role in the ICF revolution that is changing the face of residential and light commercial construction.
Watch the progressing construction of a 3-story ICF building in downtown Richmond, Virginia OxBlue Pro Construction Cameras has continuously monitored this building's construction since day one. The structure is made entirely of reinforced concrete, the floor slabs are 8 inches thick, and the main corners of the building are conventionally-formed concrete.
Founded in 1916, the Portland Cement Association represents cement companies in the United States and Canada. It conducts market development, engineering, research, education, and public affairs programs.
Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute
The authoritative resource for all items related to reinforced concrete design and construction.
A resource to help design professionals make sustainable design a reality through the durability, versatility and energy performance of concrete.
With today's innovative concrete homebuilding systems, you can build beautiful concrete homes in any style, with all the added benefits.
Insulating Concrete Forms—The cutting edge in wall systems.
(4-page brochure in pdf for owners & engineers)
From NRMCA's Concrete Delivers Series. (Click here to purchase)